Thyroid is a butterfly shaped endocrine gland situated in lower front of your neck. It has two side lobes each contains follicles which stores the thyroid hormones. Thyroid secrets several hormones, main hormone is thyroxin, also called T4. Importantly, and sadly, for over 10 million women across the globe, are suffering from Thyroid disorder. Earlier it was unusual for young women to have it. It was seen in women above age 40. However, according to research estimates, almost 30-35 % of younger women are affected with thyroid today.
This small organ has enormous power over your body like operation manager in a company. It can control your weight; regulate your energy level, make your mood swing and might also create difficulty for you to conceive if you are planning for a baby! It sees that cells in the body are working properly. It does that by using hormones to deliver messages to every single cell of body. T3 and T4 hormones act like messengers to instruct each cells; when to consume Oxygen and nutrients which maintains body’s metabolism. The series of reactions are performed to provide us the energy. Hormonal notification from thyroid gets the heart pumping more efficiently. Make the cells to break the nutrients faster. When you need more energy thyroid helps by sending out hormones to increase metabolism. Ultimately thyroid allows our cells to use energy, grow and reproduce.
The thyroid is controlled by pituitary gland - A hormonal gland deep in the brain that oversees the thyroid’s task. It makes sure when to send out its messengers. It senses the hormones in the blood are too low or too high. It sends out instructions in the form of TSH. Even in its tight control, however management sometimes sleeps out. Diseases grow in thyroid or chemical imbalances in the body confuse the organ and make it deaf to the Pituitary’s guiding commands.
The first common cause is hyperthyroidism- which happens when the organ sends out too many hormones. That means the cells are overloaded with instructions to consume nutrients and Oxygen. As a result become overactive. Meaning a person with hyperthyroidism experiences a higher metabolism, faster heart rate, constant hunger rapid wt loss, they also feel hot, sweaty, anxious and difficult to sleep.
The other problem is hypothyroidism- which happens when thyroid sends out very few TSH hormones. Meaning the body cells doesn’t have as many messengers to guide them, in response cells grow cells go listless and metabolism slows. People with hypothyroidism sees symptoms of wt gain, sluggishness, sensitivity to cold, swollen joints and feeling low.
Thyroid Diseases –
1. Goitre – A general form of Thyroid swelling. It can be harmless, or can represent iodine deficiency or a condition associated with thyroid inflammation called Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis. 2. Thyroiditis – Inflammation of Thyroid, usually from a viral infection 3. Grave’s disease 4. Thyroid nodule 5. Thyroid cancer
Conventional medication entails taking supplements of the hormone whereas Homeopathy for thyroid stimulates better functioning of the thyroid gland so that it can produce the hormone on its own.
Homoeopathic Treatment in thyroid complaints – In Homeopathy, we provide constitutional medicine, which focuses on improving the function of the thyroid gland by natural means. The constitutional remedies will stimulate the body to reactivate thyroid secretions. In our Thyroid treatment we will help to boost energy, improve circulation and thereby help balancing hypo as well as hyperthyroid functions. Homoeopathic treatment for thyroid can also reduce the dependency on external supplementation of the hormones and ensure good health in general.