PCOS – Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome is common hormonal disorder affecting about 10 % of all women of reproductive age. Many women with PCOS demonstrate challenges to feminine identity and body image due to obesity, acne and unwanted hair, also infertility and long term health related concerns that compromise the quality of life and adversely affect mood and psychological well-being. PCOS is diagnosed with at least 2 of 3 signs:
- Irregular menses less than 9 periods per year, more than 35 days between two periods. - Excess male hormone –excess body hair, acne, baldness - Multiple cysts in ovaries this is the symptom which originally gave the condition its name but it’s not always present in PCOS pt.
Heredity factor plays important role in the aetiology of the disease. As PCOS is a condition showing hormonal imbalance, the most obvious cause points to emotional stress and a badly managed lifestyle. Late nights, overwork, choosing junk food over healthy options, combined with stress are reasons for hormonal imbalance that creates havoc in the ovaries. There is disturbance in multiple hormones gives rise to different symptoms but exact cause for that is still unknown.
Complications- - Infertility - Miscarriage - Type 2 diabetes - Obesity - Cardiovascular disease - Mood disorders - Endometrial cancer
Effect of hormonal imbalance OVARY contains thousands of immature eggs enclosed in follicle. Every month under effect of FSH hormone, one of the eggs matures and gets released during ovulation. Due to lack of FSH, the follicular growth is arrested and they become cyst. No mature egg is released. Hence there is absence of ovulation which then causes infertility. Insulin is released by pancreas and responsible for absorption of blood glucose by the body cells. Increased insulin in PCOS results in body compensatory response of insulin resistance (Cells not responsive to insulin). Leading to increased blood sugar.* Increased insulin, high level of LH, together leads to overproduction and maintained excess level of androgen which causes baldness, unwanted hair growth, acne.* Conventional treatment aims at restoration of the typical symptoms along with and/or use of contraceptive pills with dietary therapy. It provides temporary relief and increase the drug dependency as the root cause is not tapped.
Homeopathy, on the other hands, works from the inside and sets straight the deranged axis of hormones in the body so that the results seen are long-lasting and do not leave any lasting residual side effects. Research shows that PCOS treatment in Homeopathy offers better results when compared to conventional treatment. Some of the lifestyle interventions can make a difference and relieve some symptoms. - Eating a healthy, well-balanced diet including plenty of fruits and vegetables - Participating in regular physical activity. - Maintaining a healthy weight, to reduce androgen levels and reduce the risk of disease such as diabetes and heart disease
Role Of Homeopathy
Homeopathy, on the other hands, works from the inside and sets straight the deranged axis of hormones in the body so that the results seen are long-lasting and do not leave any lasting residual side effects. Research shows that PCOS treatment in Homeopathy offers better results when compared to conventional treatment. Some of the lifestyle interventions can make a difference and relieve some symptoms. - Eating a healthy, well-balanced diet including plenty of fruits and vegetables - Participating in regular physical activity. - Maintaining a healthy weight, to reduce androgen levels and reduce the risk of disease such as diabetes and heart disease
Art Therapy Various art activities help to calm down the body and relax your mind. Meditation helps you to connect with your inner self.
Atharv Clinic is first and only clinic offering specially designed Art Therapy Sessions along with Homoeopathic Medicine for PCOD patients. Thus, we are using holistic approach to treat this syndrome. In next article I will explain how our lifestyle and beliefs affect our health and PCOS is the price we are paying for this Morden lifestyle.